Lose Weight With A Kitchen Scale

When you’re trying to lose weight, the kitchen can be a dangerous place, fraught with tempting foods and hidden hazards that are just waiting to derail you from your weight loss journey. Fortunately, the kitchen can be your friend, and can actually offer some really useful tools to benefit your wellness. Some cooking gadgets can actually help you track the nutritional value of home-cooked foods to help you meet weight loss and health goals.

Ready meals and processed food usually provide guidance on the packaging but, if you’re making your own food from scratch, it’s harder to calculate the nutritional value of your meals.

A food scale is a must when preparing your own meals. If you start to guess weights and measurements, you will inevitably overestimate how much you should be eating, especially if you are used to larger portions.

Kitchen scales are available in balance and spring models. A balance scale will give a more accurate reading than a spring scale. Scales are also available in manual and digital models. Chefs and culinary consultants believe that volumetric measurements (cups, tablespoons, teaspoons) are the wrong way to measure large amounts of anything that is not a liquid, they’ve long been misused, and provide a false sense of accuracy when in fact they can be wildly inaccurate. In an experiment, a Japanese chef took flour as an example and found that depending on variables such as your angle of approach, the force with which you scoop and the shape of the measuring cup, you could be adding way too little or far too much into the dishes that you make. When he tried scooping one cup of flour with the same cup using different amounts of force and angles of approach there was a 28% difference in the amount of flour measured out by the same cup! The differences can be even bigger for leafy items like herbs and items such as tomatoes and onions that come in a wide variety of sizes.

Nutrient scales take away the guesswork. They will help you keep track of the nutritional value of every meal you prepare and help you lose weight.

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