Type One Diabetes: Breakthrough!

For a long time, sufferers of diabetes have had to do just that. They’ve had to suffer and struggle with a disease which has no cure and will last a life time. Simple things like having a meal or going for a jog are endlessly complicated by diabetes and though it’s certainly manageable and diabetics can live long and fulfilling lives which aren’t that different from yours or mine, nobody wants to have to be that careful.

There are all sorts of curative ideas and all sorts of claims of health. The best methods of treatment and management remain the holistic ones, things like regular exercise and eating healthily while watching your weight will help manage the condition. For type one diabetics though, it doesn’t matter how well you control your diabetes, insulin injections are going to become a regular part of your life.
The issue with cures for type one diabetes is that, though there are plenty of viable theories and even some perspective treatment techniques, the underlying cause is a bit of a mystery. Without knowing how or why type one diabetes occurs in the first place, treating it would be foolish as the symptoms would simply come back. In the case of type one this means that we don’t know what kills off the insulin producing beta cells and though we may be able to regrow them in the future, that doesn’t matter as the body will likely just kill them off again and again.

Researchers in Canada have recently made a breakthrough into the causes of type one diabetes. It was long tentatively accepted that a combination of genetic and environmental factors led to the onset of type on diabetes. The scientists have shown proof that the body’s nervous system might help to trigger type one diabetes. This followed an experiment in which mice were injected with a substance to counteract the effect of malfunctioning pain neurons in the pancreas. Those mice got better almost overnight!

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