Driving While High Deaths Are On The Rise

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A new study from Columbia University found marijuana contributed to 12 percent of traffic deaths in 2010, says The Daily Beast. This is three times as many from a decade ago. 

The study found that weed is a factor in about one in eight deaths on the road. Researchers for the study performed toxicology examinations of almost 24,000 driving fatalities.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found four percent of drivers are high during the day and more than six percent at night. The number of high divers on the weekends doubles.


Not surprisingly, young drivers are more likely to drive while high. A 2010 survey shows one in eight high school seniors admitted to driving after smoking weed.


About a fourth of drivers killed in drug related car crashes were younger than 25. And about half of all injured drivers who were found to be high were under 25.


Here’s a thought: try to not drive while high. Just play it safe.


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