Healthy Eyes: How to Avoid Glaucoma

When you see your health care provider, you often assume that the symptoms you are experiencing can be cured quickly with medications or minor treatments. However, if your symptoms include complaints of tunnel vision and difficulty focusing the eyes, there may not be a cure in sight. These are two common symptoms of glaucoma. Glaucoma is a serious illness and is actually the leading cause of blindness among adults in the United States. Although it can be treated, it is unfortunately incurable. Once diagnosed with glaucoma, you will always have the disease. This is why it is important to be aware of early warning signs and know the measures you can take to avoid the development of the disorder.

What Blood Pressure Has To Do With It
The absolute biggest way to avoid the development of glaucoma is by controlling your blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to increased pressure within the eye, also known as intraocular pressure, which can lead to glaucoma. Aqueous fluid within the eye is unable to flow out of the eye and pressure builds up as a result. Maintaining normal blood pressure readings will keep this buildup of intraocular pressure from occurring. If you have high blood pressure, you must comply with the treatment plan ordered by your health care provider, receive routine health care provider follow-ups, and monitor blood pressure frequently in order to maintain healthy vision.

Know the Warning Signs
According to Londonderry Eye Care, because there is no cure for glaucoma, it is crucial to recognize early symptoms and seek medical treatment with the first sign of problems. Symptoms can include blurred vision, the appearance of halos around lights, difficulty focusing the eyes and difficulty adjusting eyes in low lighting. Tunnel vision is having intact vision in a small center section of the visual field with no peripheral, or outer, vision and is a symptom unique to this disorder. There may be little to no pain or pressure. Symptoms of glaucoma usually develop slowly. A key factor is maintaining the highest vision possible and avoiding progression of the disease.
Remember that there is no cure for glaucoma. But there is treatment to attempt to keep the disease from progressing and causing decreased vision. The primary focus is to keep the intraocular pressure low enough to prevent the development of optic nerve damage. This can usually be accomplished by prescribing medications in the form of oral medications or eye drops. The treatment for glaucoma is a lifelong process and patient compliance is essential.


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