5 Substantial Reasons You Should Earn Your Nursing Degree

These five reasons to earn your nursing degree may change your life forever. The reasons people once used as excuses to delay attending nursing school or choosing another career no longer apply. The nursing profession is one of the fastest growing in the country with enormous pay and career potential. If you are ready for a career with great prospects, a nursing degree is the place to begin.

Job Outlook and Job Opportunities
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), over the next 7 years, growth projections are at 19 percent in the field of nursing. In a world of unstable jobs and ever-changing careers, a nursing degree will provide you with about as much stability as you can possible find today. Job opportunities are vast and growing. You could work in schools, for businesses, at private medical facilities, at public hospitals and so much more. As the population continues to age, your job outlook and job opportunities continue to grow.

Career Advancement and Pay
If you are looking for a good wage in addition to long-term stability, a nursing degree may be your answer. The BLS has also published that the median pay for a nurse with a minimum of an associate’s degree is $65,470 annually. This figure will vary greatly depending upon the level of education you complete, the location of your employer and the type of employer you choose. Those who complete well-regarded graduate nursing programs, such as those offered through RMUoHP, will have even greater opportunities upon degree completion in specialized areas as well as administrative and management positions in the long term.

Online Degrees
You no longer have the excuses of nursing programs being too far away or too inflexible to prevent you from completing a nursing degree. Today, you can find top nursing degree programs available online. These programs allow you to attend class and take exams from anywhere, including on your lunch break at work. You can take as many or as few courses at one time as you like. If you are on a budget or have extensive work or family commitments, this is an ideal scenario for you.

Job Satisfaction
A nursing career is one of the most rewarding careers one can pursue. The noble pursuit of helping others when they are at their most vulnerable is a highly satisfying one. A number of surveys have been conducted and the results range between 90 and 96 percent of all nurses experiencing high levels of job satisfaction. This is practically unheard of in any other profession. If you like the idea of helping others and the idea of not thinking of work as a job, a nursing degree would be a smart option for you.

It is highly unlikely you will ever have two days that are exactly the same. Your routine and your job responsibilities will change from day to day. If you do not like the idea of sitting behind a computer all day long doing the same thing time after time, a nursing degree may lead you to your dream job. Nursing has nearly unlimited specializations and each patient will require different treatments; therefore, your days will never be the same. Also, you can continue to specialize in different areas as your career advances.

These are just five reasons to earn your nursing degree, however they are rather convincing ones. If you seek job security, a great paying position with career advancement potential, a flexible degree schedule, long-term job satisfaction and daily variety, completing a nursing degree should become a priority to that can change your life forever.


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