Have You Got These Diabetes Symptoms?
You often hear horror stories about people with diabetes losing their feet or legs due to complications with the disease. This can make it extremely worrying for people. It’s important to remember that diabetes is a very manageable disease especially if you catch it early. So what are the symptoms to look out for? We’ve got a list of them below and exactly what they mean is happening to your body.
Have you noticed an overall increase in appetite? Wanting to eat more often can be an indicator of polyphagia caused by body cells starving for glucose. Diabetics have trouble moving glucose to the cells. For a similar reason, you should look out if you’re urinating very frequently. This could mean polyuria which is a result of high levels of glucose in the urine. In that case you may be very thirsty quite often due to the increased urination.
Have you lost weight despite an increased appetite? In sufferers of diabetes, the body is not able to make use of the available glucose. This means that it burns fat instead of taking the energy for the food you eat. For that reason you can also become heavily fatigued due to the condition.
If you fingers or feet feel a tingling or numb sensation it can be another sign of problems. High levels of glucose in the body can affect the nerves. This is called ‘diabetic neuropathy’ and it causes tingling and numbness in the peripheries of the body.
Have you been more prone to infections recently? Reduced levels of nutrition leave the body weaker which can lead to infections from bacteria. Also, high levels of blood sugar can cause blurred vision, so if you have been finding yourself struggling to see, it could be the cause.
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