Why Does Doing Less Mean More?

less means moreThe human instinct traditionally bends towards the notion that the mind and body are indestructible. That, in the busy, impossible rat race of job-hunting, job-taking and job-managing, we have absolutely no time for ourselves. We’re living, but we’re not necessarily alive. We forget to take risks.

The biggest risk of all?

Taking time off.

It’s wonderful to feel needed, but do we always have to be at someone’s beck and call?

The simple answer is no.

The longer answer is that you’re not needed as much as you might think – it means that you can create space that is just for you, with no restraints. That’s right – you can have time for yourself! Once we realise that the world spins on, that not everything depends on you, there’s a whole slew of things that can be done on your whims and fancies.

You might be wondering how this is all possible. Here are a few tips to shove those uncomfortable burdens aside …

Disappoint People – Guilt is the big full-stop to giving yourself a break. Try putting it aside – you can’t please everyone, but you can’t please the important ones if you’re not up to scratch. Acknowledge that you can’t be the golden ball in the workplace all the time and don’t let guilt drag you down.

Keep Things Short – When someone sends you a lengthy message, whether by text or email, we have the natural inclination to respond in kind. Be brisk, be blunt. You’re allowed to tease out the roots of the problem.

Delete Away – A tricky one, but can sometimes unburden you. Sometimes, talking to the wrong people or communicating with a tricky individual is enough to plummet your mood. Stick up an “away” notice, then, sort out the “must-dos” from the “can’t-dos”.

People Aren’t Everything – much like “Disappoint People”, you’re going to appear to some people as a saint and others as a sinner. You can be the best person in the world and still be criticised. Let others judge you, but don’t let them define you. You’re the one who has to carry yourself in the mornings!

You Can’t Fix ‘Em All – Giving everything to others is a noble and wonderful cause, but it is also unexpectedly draining. Help yourself first – this doesn’t make you selfish. It makes you strong enough to keep others up.

Trust – Like communication, trust in a relationship can help it flourish, whether it is a business partnership or a romantic one. If amazing people like yourself can do wonderful things, have faith that others can be just as good – you might find yourself surprised.

You’re Not Superman – You could be brilliant at your job, the trailblazer in your career, but even you can’t give everything an equal amount of priority and time. Do enough, but don’t feel that you have to do more than you can handle. It’s not laziness when you have to look to reality.

You’re Also Not Batman – Ambition is great, but this can still be done at your own pace. Patience is its own reward and whilst you still have to make sacrifices and take careful risks, this doesn’t have to be done at cheetah-level. You have a lot of life ahead of you – try not to wear yourself out so quickly.

Relax – If you have ever been in an art gallery, you might stand and stare at a painting, trying to tease out the lines, the tiny fixtures, even the frame that embraces that delicate canvas – imagine now that you are the canvas. Sometimes, it’s okay to look at yourself, to do nothing and relax, simply enjoying what you are and who you are.

There’s only one of you, after all.

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