How Electronic Medical Records are Changing the Game

Electronic medical records, along with health information systems and other technologies, are revolutionizing how patients access and receive healthcare services. Below introduces four ways that electronic medical records are changing the healthcare experience.

Better Quality of Care
Electronic medical records (EMRs) are one of the best ways to increase the quality of patient care. Digital EMRs means that physicians can make better clinical decisions because they have instant access to complete medical histories. In addition to this, physicians can also access different medical documentation, such as x-rays, lab results and prescription histories. For example, the physician will be able to immediately access test results and communicate with their patient about critical self-care techniques. In the end, centralized EMRs mean that physicians will spend less time on paperwork and data entry and more time face-to-face with patients.

Patient Access
Centralized healthcare information is also beneficial to patients. This is because they can access their own records and subsequently better understand and manage their health conditions. For example, a patient with diabetes will be able to access their blood glucose tests. EMRs that are incorporated into a web-based platform will mean that patients can conveniently access their information from the comfort of their own home. As a result, they can easily share the information with family or use the information to perform online research.

Healthcare Organization Benefits
EMRs not only benefit patients, but also the healthcare organization. For example, EMRs mean that hospital administration staff can quickly transfer patient data from one department to another. Additionally, less time and money is spent on data entry, transcription services and records management. In fact, a digital records system will save physical space and reduce clutter. EMR systems result in fewer errors and thus better results and quality of patient care. Finally, most modern EMR systems are flexible and can be scaled and customized according to the practice size and scope.

Big Data
Big data is a common business buzzword that is usually used in reference to concepts such as consumer data or marketing demographics. However, big data analytics has excellent applications for healthcare organizations. Big data will allow healthcare companies to effectively analyze and understand healthcare trends and costs. It will also result in increased administration efficiency, patient satisfaction and operational processes. However, big data can only be understood through historic and current records. Since many healthcare organizations have upgraded to modern programs, they merely need to migrate their archived data with the help of a Health Data Archiver into their new electronic management record (EMR) system.

Overall, electronic medical records are changing the healthcare experience through better care quality, administration efficiency and documentation accuracy.


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