Doctor-Patient Relations: Understanding the Importance of Giving an Accurate Medical History

The relationship between a doctor and their patient depends on trust and openness. It’s always uncomfortable to talk about personal medical information, but it’s important to share all of the medical history of your family with your doctor. In this post, we will explain why this information is so important.

Some diseases are genetic, so that a family history of that disease tells the doctor a lot about your risk level for that disease. It can get quite specific- some forms of cancer have a strong genetic component, while others do not, for example. Mental health is particularly important, because a family history of a mental disorder is frequently a risk factor for developing that or a similar disorder. The doctor can use this information in several ways.

Acting on Genetic Testing
First of all, some diseases have genetic tests that can reveal even more information about your propensity to experience them. So the doctor can order targeted tests if they have a full family history. Aside from testing, doctors can also make recommendations to minimize your risk. This is particularly true for any potential disorders and diseases related to diet. Some types of cancer fall under this category, as do allergies, gastrointestinal afflictions, and some other conditions. Family history information can guide your doctor and help them advise you about any pre-emptive steps they think you should take to reduce the odds that you develop something serious.

Building Medical History
It’s also a good idea for you to get the data into the system so that it is there for reference in the future. The medical records of your family are likely to be paper records, so by giving the information to your doctor, you can encode it into an electronic medical record. Medical data conversions from paper to electronic form makes the data much easier to search and access, so even if it is not useful immediately, it will be in a more convenient format for health professionals to use. You never know when an obscure fact about the family blood chemistry might turn into life-saving information. Having your family’s medical information in the system can only help you.

It’s not comfortable to discuss your family’s medical history, but if there is anyone who needs to know this information, it is your doctor. Be sure not to hold back, because any detail could be medically valuable and contribute to your well-being.


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