Colicky Baby: Why They Have It and What You Can Do

Colicky Baby: Why They Have It and What You Can Do

Dealing with a colicky baby can be very difficult, so it is important to understand why this condition happens and how you can take care of it. Up to 25 percent of infants between the ages of two weeks and four months will become colicky, and you will be able to recognize this issue by the fact that your baby will cry for periods of approximately three hours multiple times a week for up to three weeks at a time. As you can imagine, the extended duration of these crying episodes can cause a lot of stress for everyone in the household.


How does a Baby get Colic?

Although a lot of studies have been done, there is still no conclusive evidence to prove that anything specific causes colic. Studies have ruled out social and psychological factors, and underlying issues such as migraines and constipation have been found in less than 5 percent of all colic cases. However, research does indicate that birth complications and exposure to cigarette smoke may play a role in increasing the risk of colic.



How will I know that My Baby has Colic?

Aside from the characteristic extended bouts of crying, many babies will also have a wrinkled brow, clenched hands and a flushed face. However, if the baby is also exhibiting more serious symptoms such as poor weight gain, abnormal temperature or vomiting, it is possible that they have something other than colic and need to be seen by a doctor.



How can I Soothe Colic?

Living with a baby who has colic is very difficult, and your infant is also being exposed to high levels of stress. Therefore, it is important to take steps to soothe your baby when they start crying.



1. Baby Swing – Many infants love the motion of a swing, and this has actually been proven to help reduce the duration of crying bouts for many babies who have colic.


2. Wrap them in a Blanket – Simply wrapping a baby snugly in their favorite blanket has made a big difference for many parents who are dealing with a case of colic. Although there is no way to know for certain why this technique works, it is believed to help imitate the sensation of warmth and security that the baby felt in the womb.


3. Massage – Giving your baby a massage can help relax them, and it can also help relieve any cramping or tension that your infant could be feeling that is associated with gas.


4. Bouncing – Putting a colicky baby on your shoulder and bouncing them lightly up and down while you walk around the room is a very simple method that often achieves good results on a temporary basis.



Keep in mind that not every bout of colic will be solved the same way. In other words, a swing might stop your baby from crying today, but you might need to wrap them tightly in a blanket tomorrow. Therefore, it is a good idea to try multiple techniques with your colicky baby to help give everyone in the house some relief.



Author Bio:
Melanie Fleury is the mother of four and has experienced extreme colic with one of her babies. She has found that a baby swing, like the ones found at, was the best way to soothe her uncomfortable baby.

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