Work Hard,Play Hard: Why Taking a Vacation’s Good For Health

Many people do not take annual vacations, but research has proven that taking a break at least once a year will provide you with several physical and emotional health benefits. Therefore, it is best for everyone to plan a minimum of one vacation per year. However, taking multiple smaller breaks from work can have an even bigger impact on your overall job performance and health.
Keep in mind that there are several ways to make sure that each vacation is as restful as possible. For example, it could be something as simple as, instead of renting a car or paying an exorbitant taxi fee, you can easily reserve seats in an airport shuttle to take you to your hotel. This will let you relax and enjoy the scenery instead of trying to figure out how to get to your first destination.
Four Reasons to Take a Vacation
1. Avoid Burnout – Several studies have demonstrated that workers who take regular breaks are more well-rested, productive and creative than their peers who choose not to take vacations. In other words, getting away from everything for a few days is the best way to prevent yourself from ending up so burned out at your job that your work performance suffers. Even if you cannot afford to take a big trip, you should still consider going somewhere within a few hours of home or simply taking a stay-cation to get you away from the office.
2. Reduce Stress – As long as you do not overbook your vacation, you will be able to enjoy the stress relief that accompanies having no work related responsibilities for a few days. If your job is extremely hectic, you should definitely consider planning a relaxing trip such as staying at a lakeside cottage. Slowing down the pace of each day and avoiding technology throughout your vacation is the best way to relieve stress.
3. Strengthen the Bonds of Your Relationship – According to the Arizona Department of Health and Human Services, taking an annual vacation can play a major role in the overall satisfaction level of women who are married. This is due to the fact that relaxing and having fun together is an important way to strengthen bonds. Unfortunately, the daily routine of work and dealing with the needs of an entire family can make it hard for couples to spend quality time together, but you can plan your vacation to include some much-needed fun time together.
4. Overall Health Benefits – Studies indicate that taking a vacation will provide a long list of health benefits that will last up to five weeks after you return home. These benefits include reduced stress levels, improved sleep quality, reduction in physical pain and a more upbeat mood. All of these positive results will help you with your personal and professional life, and this makes it easy to see why everyone should take vacations.
Keep in mind that the best way to reduce your stress is to take a relaxing vacation. If traveling overseas, find a shuttle at instead of having the stress of driving. Look for package deals on tourist sites to find scheduled itineraries. In other words, even if you are planning to do a lot of sightseeing, you should still schedule downtime for more leisurely activities such as reading, lounging on a beach and playing board games with your significant other.
Driving in an unfamiliar city or country can be an overwhelming task, especially with 4 children vying for your attention. Melanie Fleury enjoys vacationing with her family whenever she can. Taking advantage of services such as helps her to actually spend time with family instead of just at the wheel.

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