Battle Balm – The Pain Reliever With Knockout Power

Battle Balm® was created with one purpose in mind…  “Deliver a potent, all-natural herbal medicinal balm for martial artists training worldwide.”

Based upon the traditional hit medicine of the martial warriors of the past, Battle Balm® has deep ancient combat roots.  The healing herbs of Battle Balm® have been battle tested for centuries in China and the Far East.

Warriors train for battle.  Along this martial path, there are bumps, bruises, strains, sprains, and even fractures.  Battle Balm® is designed to help you heal faster from injuries and achieve your maximum potential quickly, safely, and easily.  Less injury time equals more time for you to work on your skills.

Battle Balm® uses 100% all natural ingredients and absorbs into the skin.  Apply Battle Balm® before you train to loosen muscles, increase circulation, and invigorate the body.  Apply Battle Balm® after you train to invigorate the blood, speed healing, and reduce aches and pains.


10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Battle Balm:


1.  Battle Balm® is specifically formulated for martial arts and contact sports.  Can any other topical pain reliever say that?  No.  We challenge you to compare us to Tiger BalmTM, Icy HotTM, CryoGelTM, etc.

2.  Battle Balm® relieves pain quickly and effectively.  Our unique formulation was created by an acupuncturist and herbalist to help increase circulation, reduce bruising, and minimize swelling during intense functional rehabilitation and physical therapy sessions.  This translates to helping your body heal during your extreme training regimen and intense sporting activities.

3.  Battle Balm® is for sprains, strains, muscle soreness, knots, bruises, welts, scars, and even stress fractures.  The herbal ingredients have been used for centuries in traditional martial arts practice to reduce pain and increase circulation.

4.  Battle Balm® contains anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial agents.  The herbs selected for our formula keep common germs and skin fungus at bay.  Add an extra layer of skin protection after your gym workout.  Our balm keeps fighting well after you’re done.

5.  Battle Balm® contains 100% organic and natural herbal ingredients.  There are no manufactured chemical compounds in our herbal compound.  Our products are paraben, paraffin, phthalate, and artificial ingredient free.

6.  Battle Balm® is as versatile as a Swiss army knife.  It is much more than a pain reliever.  There are 20, yes 20, other uses for our products!  Visit here to see the helpful ways to use it!

7.  Battle Balm® uses a non-greasy transdermal formula that absorbs easily into the skin as well as forms a strong, supple protective layer.  Think of is as adding an extra layer of flexible, breathable armor.  Your skin retains its moisture control too!

8.  Battle Balm® nourishes skin.  We know that poor skin care can cause serious damage, whether you’re inside the ring or outside in the sun.  Our herbal ingredients contain antioxidants, nutrients and lipids to support healthy skin function and encourage cellular repair.

9.  Battle Balm® can be used before training to warm up the muscles and joints.  Use it during training to help keep the body functioning smoothly.  Use it after training to ease soreness and pain.

10.  Battle Balm® is formulated based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine in the martial arts dit da jow practice passed down for thousands of years. We’re proud to be a part of that lineage.


There are 20 ways to use Battle Balm®, click here to see what that includes

Products start at ONLY $8.95!   We’ve given you 10 reasons to start using Battle Balm® in your practice.  Do you need any more?

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