How to Improve Procedural Outcomes with Products Designed to Help Both the Patient and Clinician



Extensive procedural hours combined with unsatisfactory clinical equipment can place undue stress on both patients and healthcare providers in the dental workplace. Fortunately, risks to the health and well-being of both individuals can be reduced by using office products that provide proper support and improved visualization.


Ergonomic chairs, higher resolution loupes and brighter headlamps allow clinicians greater patient access and visualization. In turn, patients benefit from higher quality results when their providers are empowered with the proper equipment.


Hunching over a patient stresses the back, neck and elbows of a clinician, and also reduces their reach for procedures. Working for prolonged periods of time in a seated position increases the risk for low-back pain [1]. Innovative chairs such as the BodyGuard™ Pro, a fully adjustable English style saddle chair, offer dental professionals ergonomic support. Improved balance points and a smaller, contoured seat, also places clinicians in an ideal, upright position enabling them closer access to a patient.


Loupes and headlights that offer better magnification and illumination may also help reduce strain for clinicians and improve procedural outcomes. Fully customizable HiRes™ 2 Loupes combine lightweight comfort with remarkable resolution and a wide and deep field of vision. It’s also important for dental providers to utilize adequate illumination for optimum patient care. Lightweight headlamps such as the Zeon™ Discovery™ portable LED headlamp and the compact Endeavour™ headlight system ensure that clinicians have long-lasting, powerful white light, which is conveniently adjustable.


If clinicians wish to combine the illumination of a headlamp with a lightweight loupe, the Orascoptic™ XV1™ delivers the world’s first wireless loupe and headlight in one device. The innovative, self-contained device allows healthcare providers to conduct procedures with superior visualization (vs. working without a loupe or headlight) without the inconvenience of cables or bulky battery packs. Ultra lightweight and ergonomically designed, the XV1 may also help to reduce strain. Improved visualization of the oral cavity helps improve the comfort and performance of clinicians, which in turn produces better results for the patient.


The benefits of high-quality products in the dental workplace are tremendous, both for the health of clinicians and improved care for patients. By upgrading magnification and illumination devices, you can enable higher quality procedural results and care for the patient, as well as greater workplace comfort and satisfaction for providers. The addition of high-quality, ergonomically designed seating will also help to increase the quality of care, while improving the posture of clinicians. Clinicians can feel confident knowing they can practice longer during the workday and for more years before retiring [2]. The evidence is clear: high quality procedural products can prove to be extremely worthwhile investments for the dental workplace.


About the Author

Orascoptic is a trusted leader in providing superior visualization to dentists, hygienists and students. The company has manufactured award-winning, high-quality dental magnification loupes, dental lights and dental telescopes for more than 30 years.


[1] van Dieën JH, de Looze MP, Hermans V. Effects of dynamic office chairs on trunk kinematics, trunk extensor EMG and spinal shrinkage. Ergonomics. 2001;44(7):739-50.

[2] Nearly one third of dentists who retire early are forced to do so because of a musculoskeletal disease. Burke FJ, Main JR, Freeman R. The practice of dentistry: an assessment of reasons for premature retirement. Br Dent J. 1997;182(7):250-254.

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