Fish statue might replace tree on Bremerton’s Fourth Street



A space on Fourth Street occupied by a tree could soon become home to a fish.


A towering but tottering pear tree, one of 13 on the road, has been targeted for removal by the city’s tree committee. Meanwhile, the city will soon come into possession of a mammoth fiberglass salmon, a colorful piece of public art without a home.


Both tree and salmon involve Amy Burnett. The accomplished artist, curator of the popular Pyrex museum and property owner at Fourth and Pacific Avenue recently found out one of the bigger pieces she’d ever created was coming home. The oversized salmon, around 8 feet long, would no longer hang at Ray’s Boathouse in Seattle following a restaurant remodel.


“I told them to ship it here right away,” said Burnett, who decided to donate “Ancient One” to the city.


No site had yet been selected for the salmon when Milenka Hawkins-Bates, a manager in the city’s public works department, got to thinking: What if it took the place of the tree?


Fourth Street, between Washington and Pacific avenues, has 13 Bradford flowering pear trees that have stirred the passions of many residents. Some, including property owners like Burnett, say the trees make the street too forested, are messy and have outgrown their useful urban lives. Others have defended the trees as a unique part of downtown Bremerton that give the street character.


The conflict spurred the city to bring back a tree committee, made up of local residents, arborists and officials, that decided to hold off on cutting down the trees last year, waiting to see whether a plan among business owners would emerge to make the road a two-way street again.


But before the arrival of “Ancient One,” Burnett asked the tree committee if it would consider removing the flowering pear tree in front of her gallery, the one closest to Pacific Avenue. The tree creates algae on her building, is damaging and blocking the Bremerton “arts district” sign and is a safety hazard above all else, she said.


“It’s just gotten out of hand,” Burnett said. “I like the tree, but someone could be sitting here and one of its limbs could fall on them.”


The tree committee agreed. At its March 31 meeting, members noted the city’s parks department recommended it be removed in 2007 due to similar issues. Hawkins-Bates, the city’s public works liaison on the committee, said the date for removal is undetermined. But whether the salmon goes in following its removal is immaterial to the decision to cut it down.


“With or without the salmon, the tree has to come out,” she said.


That’s disappointing to Bob Dollar, a city activist who spearheaded an effort to save the trees last year. Dollar would like to see a cohesive plan before the city takes action on them.


“I’d just hate to see us whack down all these trees, just because we think they’re an inconvenience,” he said.


While the tree committee was re-formed last year, the same can’t be said for the city’s arts commission, suspended due to budget cuts through 2016. For now, city officials, with Mayor Patty Lent’s blessing, will help site any pieces of art that come to the city.


Hawkins-Bates met with Burnett on Friday to discuss plans for the salmon, including a base for it. The artist is painting outdoor tables in the area as well to spruce up the block. The city hopes artists and community groups will want to donate time and resources to the salmon project, as there is no money in the budget for such work.


Should the fish begin swimming on the Fourth Street sidewalk, it will be in familiar company. In 2010, the city installed the fish and fisherman statues at Fourth and Pacific. Weighing in at 5,000 pounds apiece, the stainless steel sculptures that comically depict the fish reeling in the fisherman were controversial due to their $250,000 price tag.


“We have a theme going down here,” Burnett said.

Lent said a wider theme of water — to go with the city’s numerous fountains — will make the salmon feel right at home. More important to her is making improvements to the section of Fourth that has slowed to a crawl economically. Lent acknowledges that the 1993 street project, which made the road one way, planted those trees and installed an inoperable fountain just up the road, has failed. She hopes the new art, combined with some lighting improvements she’d like to see, will help get development there going again.


“We’re picking up where 1991 left off,” she said, “and bringing this street into the 21st century.”

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