How to approach the winter blues

Loading ImageWhen you’re dieting, it can sometimes feel as though your entire life revolves around your weight. Add into the mix the dreary winter weather and you’ve got a combination that can make maintaining your motivation difficult. There are some ways you can approach this daunting task, though, that can help to keep your spirits up and ensure that you to achieve your goals.

One way of boosting morale is to keep a packed diary full of social events. Though it is tempting to hide under the duvet on colder days, meeting people is a great way to energise yourself and boost your vitality. Whether you’re heading to a party or simply meeting friends for a catch up, don’t miss out on the social side of your life.

Exercise is a great way to meet new people, rid yourself of the winter blues and improve your fitness all at the same time. Physical activity is also a well known way of creating mood enhancing endorphins, which will help to alleviate any negative emotions you may be feeling. Anything from an exercise class to a brisk stroll around the block can help.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a condition in which people harbour feelings of depression or negativity during the winter months. Turning it on its head, this means sunlight is a great way of lifting bad moods and helping to improve your outlook. Try to get out of the house and get some sunlight for at least ten to fifteen minutes a day. It’s also important to keep your mind active to combat SAD, so you can benefit from taking up a new hobby or starting an evening class where you can learn a new skill. Anything which helps to keep your mind and body active, from exercising to reading and meeting people, can help to alleviate the symptoms of SAD and improve your mood.

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