Type Two Diabetes and Children

Type two diabetes was once known as adult-onset diabetes and as such, if a child had diabetes 99% of the time it was type one diabetes which was once known as juvenile diabetes. For the most part it’s still true that mainly adults get type two diabetes however, in the USA today around 3500 children are diagnosed with type two each year and that number is on the rise.

It’s unclear as to why type two is starting to become more prevalent in children as the conditions route cause is still largely an unknown. Scientists currently believe that a combination of genetic and environmental conditions can lead to the onset of diabetes and it’s certainly true that children with family members who are diabetic are more likely to get the condition. Also, it’s accepted that mothers who suffered from gestational diabetes (a form of diabetes which affects pregnant women for the duration of their pregnancies) are more likely to have children who later contract the condition.


One of the main factors which scientists has related to getting type two diabetes is obesity and it’s often been pointed out that the obesity epidemic has been joined by a similar rise in the levels of people suffering from diabetes. For this reason, doctors recommended encouraging an active lifestyle in children to help prevent the onset of the disease in the first place. Parents can also ensure their children eat well and steer clear of most processed sugars. Doing so could be the difference between your kids being healthy or being diabetic!

If you see any of the symptoms of type two diabetes in your children or are otherwise concerned then don’t be afraid to seek a medical opinion, especially if your children are in high risk groups. Better safe than sorry after all!

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