Luiz Ferrera captivates with traditional fighting dance capoeira

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Capoeira is a martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music, originally created by African slaves who were taken from their home as a sign of rebellion.

“They had to find a way to fight for freedom but they were not allowed to do any kind of fighting, so they danced,” Mr Ferrera said.


Growing up in a Brazilian household, Mr Ferrera moved to Australia in 1995, where he opened his Xango Capoeira School on the Gold Coast.


Since then the highly respected capoeira master has opened schools in six different countries, including Thailand, Brazil and Singapore.


His school, Xango Capoeira Darwin is the only one of its kind in the Territory, attracting participants aged 15 to 41.


“Three times a year myself, I’m the headmaster of the school, and a couple of high level instructors will come  here to run seminars, perform capoeira and update them with techniques,” he said.

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