Math and Science: How Much do You Really Need in the Medical Field?



The medical field is a very challenging yet rewarding career choice. The exact classes your have to take and information you need to know will vary from one field to another, but they all have two basics in common you might not have considered: science and math.



Most of us have a hard time understanding why math is so important in medicine, but anyone in the medical field would testify that math is used on a regular basis. Most medical schools require their students to have taken a few different calculus courses as well as statistics. In order to get into these classes, basic algebra and trigonometry classes might be required as well. Some hospitals even require a bachelor’s of clinical laboratory science to be sure their employees know how math is utilized in the lab. So how are these math classes used in medicine? The following are just a few examples.


  • Conversions – One of the main ways that math is used in medicine is in conversions. As a nurse, for example, you will need to be able to make basic conversions in both the English and Metric systems. Basic conversions involve solving equations and comparing amounts.


  • Dosing – When prescribing medication, you will need to determine the dose a person should take based on the test result numbers, of weight, other medication that may be taken, and other factors. All of this requires mathematical problem solving, and doing basic division in your head.


  • Science Classes – The main reason you need these math classes is because you won’t make it through the required science courses without them. Almost all science classes use equations and mathematical concepts that they assume students know how to solve and apply. These can anything from simple algebraic equations, to complex conversions.



Itis much more understandable to see that science classes are needed in the medical field. You will need to know things about the human body and how it works, as well as all the natural chemicals and elements that have an effect on our health. In order to accomplish this, you will need to take courses (possibly multiple levels of them) such as Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Physiology. These scientific principles will be used when diagnosing patients, performing tests and procedures, reading results, prescribing medication, and so much more. A student will be required to know all these different sciences and therefore must be prepared to do a lot of studying in school.

No matter what you plan to do in the medical field, many math and science classes will be required. Even if you think you will not use some of it in your specific career choice, there is definitely nothing negative that can come from learning as much as you can. Take the advantage you have now to get some of these required courses out of the way as you get closer to gaining a degree.



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