Dating After Divorce

Going through divorce can be an upsetting and traumatic process and when you’re in the middle of a marriage breakup you might vow to stay single forever. But once the dust has settled and you’ve got used to life after divorce, you might start to think about dating again. If you are contemplating taking the plunge back into the dating pool, here are a few useful tips to get you started.

Are You Ready to Date?
Be honest with yourself – are you really ready to start dating? If you are still suffering the fallout from a bitter divorce or your self-confidence has taken a knock, consider whether you might benefit from a bit of ‘me time’ to gain some emotional equilibrium before dating.

Where to Meet Dates
In theory it is possible to meet Mr or Ms. Right anywhere. However, most people find that online dating is the best way to meet potential dates, so sign up for a reputable online dating site and check out who’s available.

What to Wear on a First Date
First impressions count and you’ll be keen to make a special effort to look your best on a first date. Choose an outfit that you feel confident in and most importantly, one that you feel comfortable in. Don’t worry about choosing something overly formal or glamorous – it’s usually best to be smart but fairly casual on a first date.

Date Safely
Always keep personal safety at the forefront of your mind when you start dating. Although most dates are perfectly safe you still need to be careful.

  • Always tell someone where you are going when you meet someone new
  • Arrange to meet in a busy area such as a bar, rather than at your home
  • Always carry a mobile phone and make sure it is fully charged
  • Always carry money for a taxi home (unless you are driving)
  • Always meet in a public place
  • Don’t give out your home address until you get to know and trust your date
  • How to Escape a Dating Disaster

Not all dates go to plan. Sometimes, no matter how good you are at weeding out the no-hopers, a date can go wrong. It may be that you are bored silly after twenty minutes, or that your date is obnoxious, but either way it pays to have an exit strategy in mind. Arrange for a friend to call you after a set amount of time so you can make your excuses and leave if necessary.

Don’t Take it Personally
If you don’t hit it off with your date and the other person doesn’t want to see you again, don’t let that knock your confidence. There could be lots of reasons why they don’t ask you for a second date so don’t blame yourself if things don’t work out. Most people have to go on several dates before they find a perfect match.

Dating after divorce needn’t be traumatic if you enter the game with your eyes wide open and a healthy amount of self-esteem. Treat it as a bit of fun and you never know – you might meet the next love of your life!

Reputable dating sites where you can find more advice and search for potential dates include: and

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