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25 Feminist Movies for Everybody

When winter chill hits, it’s time for movie night! Curl up with your favorite hot drink, and let these badass feminist movies warm your heart. When I was a kid, feminist movies often got written off as “chick flicks,” and it did some great…

10 of the Most Productive Ways to Nap

There are two types of naps. First, there’s the type of nap that turns into a complete snoozefest. You plop down on the couch with the intention of getting back up after a few minutes, but in reality, you end up waking up 2 or 3 hours…

What to Do with Leftover Wrapping Paper

Christmas is coming, and that usually means a mountain of wrapping paper. Try these creative ways to reuse wrapping paper! We spend around $7 billion on wrapping paper in the U.S. alone, and we use the bulk of it during the holiday months.…

Whiskey Is Healthy?

We all have that friend who consumes liberal amounts of red wine under the pretense, “Hey, it’s good for me.” And yes, red wine has benefits, in moderation. One more time — IN MODERATION. But red wine isn’t the only alcohol that can…

9 Non-Stuff Gift Ideas for Kids

Instead of toys, games or other material things, consider some of these non-stuff gift ideas for the kids in your life. I know that it’s fun to watch kids unwrap presents. I love when my son opens a gift from me and his face lights up. But…