Helping Toddlers Adjust to a New Baby
Meeting your new baby brother or sister for the first time is an exciting event. But once, the novelty has worn off, young children can sometimes find it difficult to adjust to having a new baby in the house. It can be especially difficult for those who are used to being the only one as they are suddenly catapulted from being the centre of attention to having to share mum and dad with a tiny baby.
Prepare for Changes
You can start preparing your child for the arrival of a new baby by letting them feel the baby kick and showing them pictures of themselves as a new baby. Explain to them how much attention tiny babies need but reassure them that they will be the very important older brother or sister.
A Helping Hand
Once the new baby has arrived, it’s natural that parents won’t have as much time to spend with older children. But rather than trying to keep them out of the way, make them feel involved. This could be as simple as singing songs whilst you feed the baby or passing the nappies and cream at changing time.
Time Together
No matter how busy you are, try and find a small chunk of time each day to focus purely on your older child. Let someone else take the baby for 20 minutes and read a story or play a game together.
Adjusting to a new baby can be stressful for older children but if they feel reassured that you still love them and are there for them, they will find the process much easier.
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