Suffering From Stress? Look For A Complementary Solution
Rapid thinking, shortness of breath, stiff muscles and the inability to sleep well are all symptoms of stress. These symptoms are a message from your body telling you to take some time to slow down, relax and refocus your mind. By relaxing your body and mind, your wellbeing will be greatly improved as stress and other mental health issues have been proven to lead to other more serious diseases. Your all round wellness will also be greatly improved if you feel calm, focused and ready to take on life’s daily challenges. This is especially helpful if you can learn to view life’s problems as challenges to overcome, instead of problems that cause you despair.
Taking prescription anti-depressants, recreational drugs, binge eating or shopping will only temporarily reduce the symptoms of stress and will never cure the cause. Usually, when we hide our stress by these vices, stress only comes back worse when you are ‘down’ from whatever you have been doing to hide your stress.
If you can reduce your stress naturally, then you can start to work on ways to prevent stress without the crutch of an unhealthy vice, and develop a more positive and healthy lifestyle that will give you many long term benefits.
Take time out – when suffering from stress the usual reaction is to think that you have got no time to relax – which is actually a false economy. When you take time out to relax you will actually be more effective and will work sharper, not too fast. Do what you enjoy most, or what makes you feel good and choose something natural, wholesome and nurturing. Take a massage, read a book, or go for a walk in the country and absorb the quiet atmosphere.
Take up a regular complementary practice – Tai Chi and Yoga are known to reduce stress, relax your mind and heal your body. An hour or even less every day will work wonders for your mental health, especially in terms of stress reduction. Concentrating on your body, releasing tension with gentle movements and improving your breathing will all add to your mental wellness. You can use Yoga or Tai Chi to support you with a range of wellness benefits. Enjoy the relaxing and energising effects of these practices, and be assured that they will lower your risk of stress-related illness later in life.
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