Declutter for a Greener Home

Is your home a haven of organised tranquillity – or are your cupboards and drawers bursting at the seams with junk? Clutter in the home is known to drain our emotional energy – after all, looking at mess is depressing and having to battle with clutter every time you want to find something is frustrating. But clearing the clutter in your home isn’t just beneficial for your emotional health – getting rid of excess possessions can actually make your lifestyle greener too.

As the popularity of buying second-hand goods from thrift stores, online auction sites and charity shops grow; more and more people are choosing recycled goods rather than buying new products from high street shops. This is great news for the environment as the manufacture of new products can be a huge drain on the world’s resources. By having a clear out and donating the things you no longer need to others, you’ll be helping to support the second-hand movement.

In addition, simply getting rid of the things you no longer use can reduce your own consumption. For example, have you ever found yourself buying something you thought you needed only to find that you already have two or three of the same item in a cupboard that you’d forgotten about? Without the clutter, it’s easier to see what you already own and this means you’re less likely to buy things you don’t need.

Want to find out more about recycling your unwanted items? Visit:

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