What should men do if they are having sex or urination problems?

There is no escaping the fact that if you are an obese man, you are much more likely to be suffering from health concerns such as metabolic syndrome. This can affect your wellness in so many ways, including having an impact on your cardiovascular health. It is less well known, however, that being obese can affect your wellbeing in another important way: it can affect your sexual and urinary health.

One of the most common types of urinary difficulties is urinary frequency. This occurs when a man finds that he needs to pass urine more frequently than usual and is often due to an enlarged prostate gland. Recent research has found, however, that there can be other reasons for frequent urination. The cause can be determined with a simple at-home test which men can perform to find out what might be causing problems in the bathroom – and in the bedroom.

This method was tested by a team and a study was recently published in the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI). The study was carried out using 409 men aged between 40 and 91, who were suffering from urinary tract problems. These symptoms are common in men as they get older, with the incidence being as much as 90 percent of men aged between 50 and 80 years old. This leads to a condition called ‘nocturia’ where a man feels the need to void his bladder more than once per night.

For the test, the waistlines of the men were measured and then they were put into three different groups. As a result of this, it became very clear to the researchers that there was a link between waist size and frequency of urination. There was also a strong link between frequency night urination and problems involving sexual function such as ejaculation.

Therefore, if you are suffering from any of the above problems, the simple test is to measure your waistline. You may find that a larger waistline is your answer, and that by losing some weight you can also increase your urinary and sexual health.

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