The Balancing Act And How It Can Work For You
Your personal health and wellbeing has to come high up on your list of priorities, I’m talking top three things. You have to care about yourself, look after yourself and even love yourself to an extent or you’re going to let your own health slip. This might not cause an issue at the time but it’s something which will come and get you later in life and make you wish you’d paid that little bit more attention way back when. The trick, as with so very many things in life, is balance.
You need to balance your job, your family, your friends and your community. Each of these areas will require a part of you and it’s up to you to decide who gets how much. Those people who end up happier tend to spend more time with their families or the ones they love, not neglecting any of the others but making sure they spend any extra time with those that they are important to them.
Finding balance can be very difficult and it’s important that you make time for what you think is more important for you but whatever you do, don’t just do one thing. There’s no health benefit for filling your life with just one thing and this is a common trigger for depression and stress. Everyone needs variety, some call it the spice of life and there’s a reason for that! It’s an important thing because it allows us to take our minds away from work or even from family and look at something else. Even spending all our time without friends can eventually become a chore.
Remember to choose how you spend your precious free time wisely and not to leave yourself out of that equation. We all need at least some time to ourselves, even if it’s just the occasional long bath! Little treats like that are fantastic ways of de-stressing and rewarding yourself for a job well done!
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