Diabetic Urban Myths: A Healthy Dose Of Truth

For such a common condition, diabetes isn’t really understood by the general population. To give them their due, it’s a bit of a convoluted condition. The different varieties contradict each other a bit and it’s easy to get confused between the two. The best way to deal with something is to understand it and though you might not have anyone in your life with diabetes at the moment, you’re statistically likely to eventually. For that reason we’ve put together a great list of urban myths and questions about diabetes and what the actual facts say about the condition, so without further ado:


–       There are two types of diabetes.
Incorrect, there are four. Type one, type two, gestational and double diabetes.

–       What does diabetes do?
Essentially it removes the body’s ability to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. The different kinds of diabetes do this in different ways but it all revolves around insulin. This little hormone transforms blood-sugar into energy which can be used by all our cells, if it’s missing or simply not working very well then blood-sugar levels rise and don’t come back down. High levels of blood-sugar do persistent damage to the body.

–       Doesn’t diabetes only affect children?
No. Type one diabetes primarily affects kids this is true but type two is an equal opportunities disease and it’ll strike you whether you’re old or young.

–       Does eating sweets cure diabetes?
No. It can help manage it though. If blood-sugar levels start to dip, a piece of hard candy can be a great way to build it back up. Too many sweets can severely damage the health of a diabetic however, so there’s a balance here.

–       Can you cure diabetes?
No. It can go into remission in rare cases of type two but the condition is chronic and it’ll be with you for the rest of your life.

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