Time-Management Is An Art. Stop Painting By Numbers

We’re all busy people and most of us are getting busier all the time. Some thrive off this level of activity and others long for the days of lie-ins and late nights. It doesn’t matter which bracket you come under because the fact stays the same, you’re busy and there’s nothing you can do about that beyond embracing it and moving on. Time management has never been a more important factor of our lives.

A lot of people are tearing themselves between all sorts of different commitments, never taking a moment for themselves. For some it’s work taking more and more time, for others it’s family demands and finding a balance between those and working and for the rest it’s simply trying to do too much. It can feel like you’re being pulled in a dozen different directions with everyone wanting a piece of you and nobody satisfied with the time you can actually give them.

It’s okay, take a deep breath and read our short guide to managing your time more efficiently. You’ll be glad you did!

Don’t say you’re going to if you can’t. Saying ‘let’s get together’ or agreeing to meet ups you know you can’t make is going to give you two problems. First, they’ll stress you out as you’ll be trying to juggle more and more commitments into smaller and smaller slots of time. Second, you’re going to lose credibility with your friends and may upset or anger them. No-one likes being stood up and people are much more likely to be understanding if you tell them beforehand you’re not going to make it.

Quit the urge to overcommit. You might have to stop doing an activity or take on less at work but your time, like everyone else’s is totally finite. You’ve only got so many hours to play with and a good chunk of those needs to be assigned to eating, sleeping and seeing the people who matter in your life!

Burn Away the Pointless. Remove any aspect of yourself which adds nothing and eats away at your time. This may mean ending relationships that aren’t going anywhere or removing yourself from groups or activities you no longer enjoy. People are a massive time waster and if you don’t like spending time with certain people, then don’t.

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