Hidden Dangers for Diabetics: What Medication Could Cause

Something which isn’t always obvious to everyone is just how interlinked our bodies are. Anything you consume, it doesn’t matter what it is, will have tiny little effects on us we won’t even notice. If you’re a diabetic then it’s become your job to monitor and take these changes into account. You should be able to predict what kind of effect anything you’re putting into your body will have on your and take steps to protect yourself. After more than a year of this it’ll be really easy for you and you’ll barely have to think about it but for those recently diagnosed this can be a bit of an issue. It’s too easy to forget to take something into account or not notice a spiking level of blood-sugar for a long while, enough time for some damage to be done. As I say, it gets easier over time and most diabetics do go on to live long and healthy lives.


What can be a bit of a hidden trap is medication. Just things like aspirin or ibuprofen can alter the levels of blood-sugar in your body and you might not even test after you’ve taken the pills as you may not have considered them dangerous. Generally, simple pain killers won’t have much of an effect on you beyond the obvious ones. It’s other prescribed medications which you could be taken which may pose you issues. It’s very common for people to be taking anti-depressants and these can really mess up your ability to manage your diabetes.


Taking long term anti-depressants while suffering from diabetes can lead to weight gain, anxiety and stress. These aren’t the sorts of things you want when trying to manage a potentially life threatening condition. If you’re taking long term medications and you’re worried about how they’ll affect your diabetes then consult your doctor as soon as you can. They may have a new medication which you can move onto!

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