Obese, Diabetic And Pregnant? We’re Here For You

If you’re diabetic then being overweight or obese is going to be something you’re going to want avoid in general. It’s a medical condition which doctors recommend you remedy as quickly as you can. When it comes to managing your diabetes losing just 5% of your total weight will make it much easier to control and any extra you can lose will just keep making it easier. A lot of people can struggle with weight loss and that’s understandable with so many different and counter intuitive methods on the market. Have you thought about what issues could emerge at a time of life where you’re supposed to be gaining weight?


If you’re male then probably not, but for the ladies. What happens when you’re obese, diabetic and pregnant? A triple whammy if you will. Don’t worry too much, you’re not the first to go through this and you won’t be the last. A study in Denmark has recently been completed into the best ways of dealing with this and we’ve broken this down into three pieces of advice for you to follow. However, we recommend you speak to your Doctor too as they’ll be able to give you much more personal advice.


  1. It’s advised that you try and only gain between 0 and 5 kg during your pregnancy. The study showed that obese diabetic mothers were much more likely to give birth to overweight babies but those who’d managed to only gain the recommend amount had, on average, lower birth weights in their babies.
  2. Obese ladies tend to have premature pregnancies. It was shown in that study that those who’d only gained around 5kg were much closer to the average length of pregnancy and those who’d gained more had considerably shorter pregnancies again, on average.
  3. If you manage to gain between 0 and 5 kg but no more then your baby is much less likely to experience any medical complications in the first month of life!



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