Indoor Air Pollution: What Should You Be Watching Out For?

Pollution conjures up images of car exhausts and factory fumes, but indoor pollution is as much of a problem to our health as external factors. There are various elements of our modern lifestyles that contribute towards indoor pollution, creating problems such as built-up gases and spores which can damage our health. Unsuspecting features of your life may also be causing an issue, such as perfume or cooking sprays, which you may use without a second thought.

Particles in the air are one of the main sources of indoor pollution, and they can enter the home in various ways. When you open a door, for example, you let in pollen from the outside which sits in the air. Often, people are allergic to pollen so when this is in the home, on clothes or furniture, it can cause an allergic reaction. Particles found on pets or in insulation also contribute, some of which can be very toxic and bad for your health.

As with outdoors, gases also lead to indoor air pollution. Aerosol cans, perfumes and air fresheners all pump gases into the air which can irritate our bodies and lead to allergic reactions. You may not be aware, but the cleaning products you use every day also lead to gases being produces, as well as noxious fumes from paint or varnishes.

Yeast, fungus and mould spores can be found in moist areas of the home, such as where you sleep or in the bathroom. These contaminants, as well as bacteria and dust mites, are generally a sign that a home or building is not well maintained or regularly cleaned – once the problem has developed past a certain stage, it can be extremely difficult or impossible to disinfect the area and remove the harmful bacteria.

Asthma and other respiratory problems can be brought on by various indoor pollutants, such as dust mites or automatic air fresheners irritating an asthma suffered during the night while they sleep, which can bring on an attack. Other allergic symptoms include rashes, sneezing, headaches and irritated eyes. Make sure you’re aware of your symptoms as they can develop into more serious problems – try to limit the amount of pollutants in your home to minimise the issue.

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