How To Grow Old Gracefully
In the past, getting older was a sign of increased wisdom and maturity, and elderly people were respected in this regard. But in the modern world, obsessed with the perfect image, ageing is feared due to the inevitable appearance of wrinkles and age-lines. As we get older it is common to become increasingly aware of our bodies, and to try to find ways to avoid looking our age.
Of course there are plenty of diets, products and alternative therapies available that promise the perfect ways to continue looking young for as long as possible. And these can be very tempting to believe in. But studies consistently show that, in actual fact, the only things that really affect how old we look are eating healthily and exercising regularly.
It’s a common misconception that ageing happens at a specific time and that there’s nothing we can do about it. Ageing is of course something that occurs gradually, and it is affected by the choices we make on a daily basis. So if you are eating too much fatty and sugary food, don’t be surprised if you’re beginning to look older before the other people you know.
The number of cosmetic surgeries performed in the United States rose by 155 percent in 2012, and sales of anti-ageing products are estimated to reach a total of over $270 billion in 2013. But some extreme measures and costly steps really don’t need to be taken. The fact is that the simple stuff works, and we should embrace it.
Start by doing very easy things like going to bed 10 minutes earlier. Then wake up 10 minutes earlier and perform a few simple exercises like press-ups or squats. These can be the first steps in a healthier regime that will ultimately ensure you look your best for as long as possible.
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