The Undeveloped World Struggles to Deal with Cancer

In most of the developed world there are systems in place to protect your health and wellbeing. The mark of a powerful country is how well it looks after its population and while not perfect, the health systems which are in place save millions of lives every year. Though cancer isn’t always a condition which is curable, it’s almost always treatable and there’s always a chance, regardless of how small, that with the right treatment you’ll survive. That’s to say, in the developed world there’s always a chance.

More than half of the countries in the world today simply do not have the funds or the government in place to provide treatment and care to those who are suffering from cancer. In some parts of the world, it’s not even accepted as a disease and people are left to die from a condition they’ve been told doesn’t exist. Over seven million people die every year from cancer, it’s one of the world’s leading causes of death and more than two thirds of all cancer cases and deaths happen in countries without the means to treat the disease. What this shows is just how large the gap is becoming in wealth between the developed and undeveloped world, where one can afford to live on and one cannot.

Researchers and scientists have suggested that each country requires a dedicated cancer treatment group and a control programme. The fact is that awareness is one of the most potent weapons against disease, if people know what they could have and what to look out for they’re much more likely to seek medical attention when they see those symptoms. There are a lot of aid organisations dedicated to helping fight the plague of cancer but there simply aren’t enough resources in those organisations alone to save everyone. The answer to this issue isn’t clear but the first step, as always, needs to be awareness.

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