Natural Gas Revealed To Have Natural Anti-Ageing Ability
The foul odour of rotten eggs is associated with hydrogen sulphide (H2S) but this gas might soon be better associated with its ability to slow down the effects of ageing.
A Chinese research team believes the compound has extraordinary abilities as an antioxidant, fighting off the free radicals that cause serious conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, and for its crucial role in the function of an enzyme that is thought to control lifespan.
Reporting in the online version of the journal Molecular and Cellular Biology, the team – from the University of South China in Hunan – revealed several potential anti-ageing pathways apparent in H2S, a substance that is naturally produced by the kidneys.
Their evidence confirms that H2S performs several vital physiological roles in the body, such as helping to maintain clean arteries, alleviating inflammatory conditions, moderating high blood pressure and curbing free radicals, functions that the Chinese team says imply its potential as an anti-ageing agent.
The research revealed that H2S activates genetic processes linked to longevity, including the enzyme known as SIRT1, and with a gene called klotho, which has also been associated with pathways leading to a longer life span.
As we age, the amount of H2S in the body is reduced and previous studies have shown that a lack of H2S is associated with heart disease and with declining neurological health, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. The research team used mice to demonstrate that mice lacking the CSE gene that produces H2S age more quickly than other mice.
The study concluded that H2S could be developed as an anti-ageing agent, given to people at risk through a food or dietary supplement.
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