Your Diabetes Care May Need To Focus On More Than Insulin
Fluctuating blood sugars can upset our general wellbeing, which is why we need to control our glucose levels when we have diabetes. Once we make blood sugar monitoring, a healthy diet and taking insulin a daily part of our lives then we may be able to avoid other health issues associated with the condition. Now researchers have discovered more links between diabetes and our heart health, which reveals why we also need to look after our hearts to protect our wellness.
Diabetes and our hearts
For some years clinicians have been aware of the link between diabetes and an increased risk of fatal heart problems. The exact reasons why the two are connected haven’t been clear, but recent research has made links between the condition and an enzyme that can affect how regularly our hearts beat. Scientists from the University of Iowa’s Department of Internal Medicine studied how the hearts of diabetic mice performed compared with mice that did not have the condition. They found the animals’ hearts responded in a similar way to humans with diabetes, in that mice were twice as likely to die from heart problems if they were diabetic.
Why are our hearts affected?
To look more closely at why this happens, the clinicians measured the rates of an enzyme that is affected by diabetes. Called CaMKII, the protein was found in higher numbers in diabetic mice, and it appeared to lead to the death of pacemaker cells in their hearts. These can help regulate our heart rhythm, so absence of them may be the reason we can develop more severe cardiac issues when we have diabetes. Further tests showed that when the actions of the enzyme were blocked, the mice had more regular heart beats. Our GPs and health clinics are a good resource when it comes to protecting our health and hearts from diabetes-related health problems.
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