Get Moving! Could You Embrace The Diabetes Challenge?

Families are being urged to get active together to reduce the chances of children getting a preventable disease. Stomp Out Diabetes is an event being rolled out in some districts across the world, with its prime goal to combat rising type 2 diabetes rates.

Preventing diabetes

Organised by Leon County Schools the event held in the US is encouraging families to have fun via different activities, in a bid to promote how effective being active is when it comes to preventing lots of health issues, particularly type 2 diabetes. The group was concerned that diabetes is the seventh biggest killer in the area, and executive director of the foundation Sheila Costigan points out how some types of the condition are rising, despite the fact we can avoid getting it by making lifestyle changes. Experts point out that type 2 diabetes began to increase in children when fast food became more popular in the 1990s. As children have gained more weight incidences of the condition have also risen, showing how one can affect the other.

Getting active

The foundation aims to put on lots of events that can be enjoyed by all members of the family. Child health clinicians explain that making children’s lives less sedentary and turning off video games is a good place to kick-start new attitudes to getting active. The event will offer health screenings to see if any young people taking part have risk factors for diabetes, which could motivate them to change aspects of their lifestyle. They can also take part in football and tennis competitions, as well as join in with a one-mile run. Type 2 diabetes is also on the rise in the UK in children and leads to uncontrolled blood glucose levels. This is because our body can’t make enough insulin, or it doesn’t detect it in our blood. Our GPs can answer more of our questions about the condition and how a healthy diet and exercise can help combat its long-term effects.

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