You Are What You Eat, So Eat Younger

You Are What You Eat, So Eat YoungerIf you want to look younger for longer, then I’m going to have to ask you to put down that anti-ageing cream. Ever heard the phrase, you are what you eat? Well it couldn’t apply more to this. If you eat the right things and keep all the systems and careful balances which we need to survive in tip top shape then you’ll look naturally young. You won’t need the latest fad cream or extreme cosmetic surgery, you’ll look and feel younger without need to do anything else!

Here are some simple tips for helping yourself look and feel younger for much longer:

  • Whole Grains are your friends. According to a study in the USA, the waistlines of the middles aged people who’d eaten primarily white bread throughout their lives expanded around three times as much as those of the people who’d eaten whole grains. Also, whole grain foods promote a healthy digestive process which has always been known to keep you looking better on the outside.
  • Fish is your ally! It’s chock full of leptin which will help to naturally curb your diet, lessening your likelihood of overeating. Oily fish like salmon and tuna are also great sources of omega 3 fatty acids which will help to fight of wrinkles.
  • Probiotics are your comrades! After you go past your 35st birthday, your probiotic levels will naturally drop and, as such, your digestive system will slow down. This will lower your metabolism and make you feel generally more sluggish. To combat this try probiotic yoghurts to stock up those levels again.
  • Oils are your buddies. As you get older your skin becomes drier naturally as you produce less natural oil. Eating foods like avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil will help bring your levels of natural oil and leave you with plumper, younger looking skin!

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