How Global Warming Has Affected Our Carbon Emissions

Got Asthma Global Warming Could Be To BlameIn a new report on carbon emissions, researchers have discovered that America’s carbon dioxide emissions were at their lowest levels last year since 1994. The levels of this environmentally damaging gas have fallen by 13 percent in the past five years thanks to society’s global warming initiatives and energy-saving technologies, which have doubled the amount of companies using renewable sources. These results bring America over halfway towards meeting Barack Obama’s goal of cutting the US’s carbon emissions by as much as 17 percent from 2005 for the next decade.


Putting Obama in a more positive position to meet his environmental targets, America’s emissions in the latter part of last year had fallen by over 10 percent from the 2005 results. It also helps the US to better defend itself in the negotiations over global climate control. America’s sources of energy have changed drastically over the past few years, with coal falling to 18 percent – a drop from 22.5 percent in 2007. America sourced 31 percent of its electricity from natural gas-fired power plants last year, but more renewable sources are on the rise, with solar, hydro and geothermal energies being used more and more.


Global warming is a huge concern for scientists, with greenhouse gases damaging the ozone layer which causes the earth to heat up. This is resulting in the polar ice caps melting which is leading to the water levels rising, among other environmental concerns. There are many ways you can help to reduce your carbon emissions, by recycling, switching off lights and electrical devices when you’re not using them, and through reducing the amount of transport you use by walking or cycling instead. If everyone makes a concerted effort to reduce the amount of emissions they produce, the levels of greenhouse gases across the world will dramatically drop.

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