Staggering Increase in Diabetes Sufferers

World Record Attempt Raises Diabetes AwarenessAround seven million people in the UK are at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, according to the charity Diabetes UK. This is in addition to the three million people in the UK who have already been diagnosed with the chronic health condition. The charity warns that not only does this mark a significant decline in the wellness of people in the UK, it also indicates an increasing burden on the already-overstretched NHS.

Most of the cases of diabetes are the type 2 variety, and the increase has been attributed to the aging population in the UK, along with rising numbers of people whose wellbeing is affected by weight issues, such as obesity.

A further 850,000 people are thought to be living with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes – a particularly dangerous situation to be in as, in order to remain healthy and safe, sufferers of the disease have to monitor their sugar levels carefully and take appropriate medication.

The figures of undiagnosed diabetes sufferers are particularly concerning as they are up a staggering 132,000 on the previous year. In addition to this, the number of diagnosed cases of diabetes has more than doubled in the past ten years, from 1.4 million to 3 million. Based on these figures, it is estimated that by the year 2025, the UK will have at least five million diagnosed diabetes sufferers.

Experts have warned that these figures represent a looming health crisis, as the burden of the increased numbers of people needing various types of medical care will have massive financial implications for the public health system.

Every year, 24,000 people in England and Wales die earlier than expected due to their condition, and, as the total numbers of diabetes sufferers increase, these figures are only going to get more concerning.

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