How Divorce Affected Chris Huhne And Vicky Pryce

divorceThere has been a news story all over the media recently involving former Liberal Democrat MP Chris Huhne and his estranged ex-wife Vicky Pryce. The former minister was accused and convicted of lying about speeding points – his wife had taken the blame for him to stop him losing his driving licence (which would have been a blow, at the time, to his rising political career). Both Huhne and Pryce were given eight-month jail sentences for attempting to circumvent the legal system.

One of the more bizarre things about the case was that it wouldn’t have even come to attention if it hadn’t been for Pryce herself, who revealed her involvement in the cover-up in the hope of bringing down her ex-husband. The pair were made an example of for a relatively minor offence – but rightly so.

However, one of the biggest messages coming from the story is that you shouldn’t let divorce ruin your life. Pryce, who attempted to spite her ex-husband to see him punished, ended up being locked up as well for her involvement in the crime. It could be argued that she would have been better showing forgiveness rather than bitterness to Huhne. It shows that she was not considering her children and how the whole case might affect them.

During the long legal battle both sides aired each other’s’ dirty laundry in an attempt to show up exactly who had done wrong and escape jail time. This culminated in texts from the couple’s children being read out as evidence, showing a fury towards Huhne, who was blamed for the situation. This will have had a devastating effect on both the child and parent.

It only highlights, however, that Huhne and Pryce were not putting their children first with them being embroiled in this battle. If they had been more willing to forgive and set a good example for their children the whole situation could have been resolved in a much nicer way.

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