Seven Signs: How to Check for Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer and when to get the Doc InvolvedChecking your breasts for lumps or any unusual signs should be a regular part of your routine. Doing this once a month, and having a yearly check up with your doctor, can help you find a problem quickly, which means you can better look out for your wellbeing and get fast treatment. You know you have to check for lumps, but what else do you need to look for? Knowing this will give you the confidence you need to seek an early diagnosis and treatment, which is especially important if you have a family history of the disease, or your lifestyle contains wellness risk factors for breast cancer.

There is an association between certain types of cancer and a diet high in fat and processed foods and low in wholefoods, fruits and vegetables. Another risk factor for the disease is if you get little or no exercise, but perhaps one of the biggest, and least paid attention to, is the effect that prolonged or long-term stress can have. If you have a high-stress load, such as financial difficulties, caring for an elderly or sick relative, or just having too much on your plate, dealing with these stressful situations, and getting help instead of doing it all yourself, can reduce your risk of cancer as well as a multitude of other illnesses.

So what seven signs should you be on the look out for? Firstly, feel or look for any thickening or a lump around your underarm or breast. Then see if there has been any change in either the shape or size of your breast. Next, has there been any tenderness or discharge from your nipple? Has your nipple become inverted? Also, look for changes to the appearance of your breast, such as pitting (like cellulite) or ridges.

Look at and feel all parts of the breast area (breast, areola and nipple) and see if anything is different. Finally, look for signs of oestrogen dominance. If you do notice any of these signs, you shouldn’t brush them off but immediately see your doctor. They could have a number of different causes, or be completely benign, but these signs could indicate that something in your body is not right and it is time to get medical attention.

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