Work Hard, Play Hard: Facing the Protein-Challenge

We’re often told to eat a balanced diet, with a good dose of positive vitamins, calcium and protein – but some of us can’t help but wonder at times “why?”. In terms of protein, it’s natural to be told that it’s good for you – and at times, you do take it in, whether by supplements or by eating meat.

For women, the average rate of protein a day should be 46 grams a day, which can be an assortment of milk (8g), meat (21g), dry beans (16g) and a pot of yoghurt (11g), whilst for men, is 56g a day. For dieticians however, there are concerns that not enough people are reaching these targets, which means that the body’s muscles suffer as a result.

As you age, it’s natural for your body to start losing the strengths and aptitudes that it had when you were younger. Essentially, we start to shrink. In your 20s, muscles are at their peak performance, then gradually starts to dwindle – the decrease is quite minute, going down about 0.5 percent a year. It means that this can be maintained with next to little fuss, should you choose to. When you hit 50 years old however, the decreases start getting a little bigger. As a result, things are harder to lift, open or in worst cases, you can’t move your own mass.

As we grow older, our bodies decide to be even more helpful by decreasing our metabolic rate. It is a natural process known as sarcopenia, which is the age-related loss of muscle. It means that the body’s capacity for burning calories and fats is slowed to a significant degree. Dense muscles are often good for the bones, meaning that problems like arthritis and osteoporosis are less of an issue.

A daily intake of protein is important – no matter what your muscle mass is, your body will not store up protein. Even if you eat significant portions of protein, it will not carry you through to the next day.

Good sources of protein can be found in a multitude of things – not just in meat. This can be an array of:


  • Beans, peas and lentils.
  • Tofu and soya products.
  • Meat, poultry and fish.
  • Milk, eggs and dairy products.
  • Nuts and seeds.


A protein intake is perhaps most important once you hit your 60s. By consuming a diet of protein-rich foods, your muscle-maintenance can be sustained significantly, as well as giving you a positive zest to your way of life and excellent blood circulation. A boost in circulation promotes good muscle cell regeneration. Consider the addition of an amino acid known as L-Arginine, which can also give your boost a leg-up.

Take advantage of your body – grab some protein, exercise if you can and show that you can keep up with those incessant youngsters as you grow older and more able to face the challenges of ageing.

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