Top Tips For Encouraging Your Child to Read
The summer holidays are a great period of free time where kids can enjoy a seemingly endless three months of playing. However, studies have shown that week after week away from school can put a dent in the learning process – in fact, children can lose up to a grade’s worth of reading progress over the summer. There are ways to encourage your children to keep up with their reading during the holidays without them feeling as though it’s homework.
Any reading is good for the mind, so look for ways to keep your kids interested – do they like magazines, comics or series books, such as Goosebumps or Sweet Valley High? Although it may look like a frivolous option, it’s important to let children know that reading can be fun rather than a chore. Encouraging this early will set them up for enjoying reading for the rest of their lives.
The library may seem like an obvious option, but so many people don’t utilise this great service that’s right on their doorstep. There are often book clubs over the summer which children can take part in, or summer challenges such as reading goals to work towards before the end of the summer. Activities such as these make reading more enjoyable and ensure that your kids keep up with their progress whilst away from school.
Sometimes all it takes to get children involved is to offer more choice – schools invariably set reading assignments, which can take some of the fun out of reading. By letting your children choose, they’ll feel more in control which can be a great motivator. Don’t make any judgements on what they choose – remember, any words are helping to progress their reading ability.
Lastly, try reading together to reinstate those bedtime stories you may have once enjoyed together when your kids were young. Children can still learn from having words read to them, so pick a book together and read a chapter each night to not only encourage their love of reading, but develop a stronger bond between you both as well.
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