Spiritual Intelligence Guides You Forward
Spiritual intelligence is the deep inner wisdom, knowledge and insight that’s within us all. This intelligence can see the bigger picture of your life and always guide you in alignment with your highest good and greatest joy. It can see all situations free from your mental filters and limited perceptions; it can see clearly the way forward for you because it has knowledge of all of the facts in any situation and has the predictive power that you lack. This inner intelligence can guide you practically on everyday issues, as well as providing wider insight on larger life questions. All you have to do ask this intelligence for guidance and listen to receive its answers. These answers may come in the form of new intuitive ideas, gut feelings, inner hunches or a new sense of direction and purpose.
Your spiritual intelligence operates in conjunction with your learned intelligence, your emotional intelligence and your body’s innate intelligence. The more you acknowledge it, the more profoundly it affects your consciousness. It guides you always to let go of limited thinking and programming and all the negative beliefs that you hold about yourself, so you can step into your Truth, as Leader in your own life.
The key to connecting to your spiritual intelligence is the practice of meditation. This includes the focusing and stilling of your mind, even if just by observing your breath for five to 10 minutes a day. When you quieten your mind’s chatter, gradually the wisdom of your spiritual intelligence can speak to you more clearly and guide you forward.
So many suffer from feelings of low self-worth and value because they were brought up to believe that worth is gained through our accomplishments and acquisitions: The house you own, the car you drive, the money in your bank account and the successes that you have in life. In contrast, your spiritual intelligence guides you to recognise that who you are is inherently worthy, and whatever circumstances you find yourself in, nothing can take that from you.
The seven foundational principals for leadership form the seven chapters of the book, Spiritual Intelligence in Leadership: From Manager to Leader in Your Own Life. To illustrate this approach to leadership, examples from personal and often painful experiences as well as from the lives of well-known figures like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey are used. They highlight the difference between your True Self, which is the Leader in your life, and the Ego – that voice always chattering away in your mind to manage and control you. You True Self is that place of stillness, awareness and calm within you that is connected to your spiritual intelligence.
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