Would You Benefit From Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle way of working with the body using light touch, which was developed by osteopath William Garner Sutherland in the early 1900s. He identified a gentle, intrinsic rhythm characteristic of life, which is expressed by every structure of the body during health.

Who is it for? Craniosacral Therapy can support your body’s innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself, as well as reducing stress and building underlying energy. It can help acute physical problems like headaches and back pain, plus long-standing physical or emotional problems. It can also provide ongoing support for people with busy lives to help them meet life’s challenges. The gentle techniques suit everyone from babies to the elderly.

What happens? The session typically lasts an hour, although this can vary. The practitioner starts by taking a written case history, listening with care to your reasons for visiting. This is important to gather information and establish a good understanding. You remain fully clothed throughout, and either seated or lying either on one side. The practitioner will make light contact starting with your head, base of your spine, and other areas, encouraging the body to relax and make the changes it needs. As your body functions as a whole, the practitioner may focus on areas other than where your symptoms occur. The practitioner senses tensions in the body and helps to release these in a supportive and comfortable way.

What are the benefits? During or after a session you may feel calm and energised, with increased clarity of mind and a feeling of wellbeing. Some people benefit from regular treatment over an extended period of time and say that, as well as noticing improvement in their physical or emotional symptoms, they feel more awareness of their own needs and strengths, and their quality of life improves.

Craniosacral Therapy can be used as a part of an integrated healthcare approach but, if symptoms worsen or do not show an improvement, consult a doctor or qualified healthcare practitioner.

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