The Four-legged Stress Buster

It is one of the more unusual ways to improve office life but more and more companies in the west are allowing staff to bring their family dogs to work due to the health benefits associated with the company of our canine friends.

The health benefits that dogs provide outside the workplace have been widely reported. For example, taking a dog for a walk can be great for improving exercise levels. But now more and more people are finding that taking dogs to work can promote good health too. It is thought that the presence of dogs makes staff more friendly towards one another, encourages people to take regular breaks and can lower stress when people stroke the dogs. In a study conducted in the US, researchers found that when dogs were allowed in the workplace, stress levels dropped and staff morale improved.

Of course, having dogs in the workplace won’t suit every working environment. It’s important to carry out risk assessments for both humans and dogs before allowing dogs into the office. In particular, check if anyone has a phobia of dogs or a pet allergy before bringing a dog to work. But if you can overcome the practical challenges, allowing canine companions to join you at work could be a positive move.

If you fancy finding out if dogs could provide benefits in your workplace, why not try the idea on an annual ‘take your dog to work’ day? Find out more at:

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