6 Ways to Achieve More Peace of Mind in 2018

New Year’s resolutions are tradition for select people—and for some folks they even work! But for many out there who are looking to improve the way they experience the upcoming year, something less structured and pressure-filled then official resolutions are the key. Here are some ideas for a more peaceful 2018—none of which require a checklist or accountability group. The goal of each of these recommendations is not to compete with yourself or anyone else, but rather to enjoy more restfulness and happiness in the new year.

1) Get comfortable being quiet

These days we are almost constantly surrounded by digital stimulation. Our TVs, tablets, smartphones, iPods, radios, and even Alexas and Google Home devices provide a flurry of digital activity all day. And Bluetooth technology means we can take it wherever we go! Clearly this is an advancement for technology, but it can be way too much.

Reconnect with the feeling of being quiet and un-stimulated by shows, music, books or podcasts. Sit and become reacquainted with your thoughts and with your surroundings. Give meditation a try, if you haven’t already—it can provide more than just a few moments of peace in a long day.

2) Set intentions regularly

Feeling like you are going through the motions? Like life is happening to you instead of you having some control over where you are headed? It might be worthwhile to try intention-setting. This practice can be done successfully on a daily basis if we are realistic in our intentions and kind enough to ourselves in following them.

3) Try out essential oils

Not only can essential oils be useful with certain physical health ailments, but they can be a great tool for emotional healing, as well. Pick up a starter kit and diffuse your way to a more peaceful state of mind this year.

4) Go outside in the cold

Outright, this idea may not seem appealing—but going outside our comfort zone to find new enjoyable experiences is important. Try out a winter hike, go to a frosty overlook for an incredible view or bring a hot cup of coffee to a peaceful, snowy spot for a new perspective.

5) Start a new way of journaling

Does your usual journaling routine need an upgrade? Try out something new! Bullet journaling is great for organization. There is also Flow Magazine, which offers comprehensive and creative journals that include mindfulness activities, quotes, crafts and tutorials for taking peaceful reflection to a whole new level.

6) Re-organize your favorite room

Sometimes our slumps have a lot to do with the space in which we exist. This includes the physical rooms where we conduct business, where we relax and even where we sleep. Take a moment to really observe your favorite spaces and consider what upgrades are necessary to make them more peaceful environments. Always cold at your desk? Invest in a heated blanket or space heater to stay cozy. Is your reading nook drab? Give it pops of color with some new wall art. Sleepless nights? Re-evaluate your bedroom lighting, blanket and pillow situations to see if cozier options should be pursued.


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