Exercise or diet: What should you focus more on for weight loss?
One of the biggest dilemmas of those wishing to lose weight is what they should begin with. Should they alter their diet first or include exercise in their daily routine? Another confusion when it comes to weight loss is what is better to opt for: More exercise or dieting? Weight loss can be a tricky game if you tend to listen to all instructions that are there. In fact, many times they mean no weight lost but permanent damages caused.
Exercise more?
There are plenty of studies which talk about how exercise is the best way to rev up your weight loss plan. This is because even if you don't have control over your eating habits, you do have it over your exercise plan. In simple words, one can overcome laziness but not oddly-timed hunger pangs. This theory is popular amongst the fitness enthusiasts but still does not stand to be proven right.
As per research, you should include 20 per cent exercise in your daily routine to kick start your weight loss plan. For fat loss, exercising is important. It cannot happen with only food. Dieting does help in controlling your hand over foods but exercising can help burn those calories rather than avoiding them.
Other than this, exercise brings with it many perils, including better sleep quality, improved metabolism, reduced stress levels and lowered cholesterol levels. Exercise means more physical activity and hence, should not be ignored at any cost.
Controlled eating?
For most people, controlling their food habits is easier than waking up at 6 am for exercise. This is simply because managing what goes inside your stomach is far more adaptable than changing your body's daily routine of activity.
There are numerous diets ranging from Ketogenic to GM to Atkins to Paleo, demonstrating their effectiveness in losing weight. While controlled eating does lead to weight loss, it is important to remember that it is also a short-term change. The moment you get back to your "normal" routine of eating, you are bound to gain all that weight back. However, this does demean dieting in any manner. Along with exercising, it is advisable to keep your diet healthy to match up with your activity.
Results are faster when on a diet plan than on an exercise regime. This is because dietary modification works faster in your body than any workout. Since muscles show slower but more permanent changes, most people leave a workout plan even before they begin. Dietary modification, however, is quicker in its approach.
What should you begin with, diet or exercise?
As per experts, you should begin your weight loss plan with both. Weight loss is a sustainable life change and should be done in an efficient manner. Losing weight permanently is a tedious task but once you hop on the right path, it can do wonders for your body, on both weight and health parameters. Sticking to a diet plan sustainable in nature is the best way to go about weight loss. Same goes for a workout as well. If you begin an exercise regime you don't like, chances are you will leave it sooner or later.
In a study published by International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, subjects were made to diet strictly and exercise vigorously to find out if they lost weight with this extreme approach. The end result was that none of the subjects lost any weight in the process.
Hence, it is important to consider both at the beginning of your weight loss and approach them at the same time to achieve a healthier body permanently.
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