Avoid These 4 Phrases to Appear & Feel More Confident
The things we say and how we say them matter. Our words play a big part in how we present ourselves to the world. Want to come across as cool and confident? Here are some phrases to avoid and what to say instead.
Words are powerful. Not only do they affect how other people perceive us, but over time they can influence how we perceive ourselves. The problem is, many of us have become habitual and complacent in our speech. We have lost sight of how what we say portrays us. And our image and self-worth suffers as a result.
Do you like to define yourself by can’ts, don’ts, and sorries? Nope. That’s why it’s important to start paying attention to how you are saying what you want to say. Once you start to value your speech, not only will you appear more confident to those around you, but your thought patterns will also start to shift. You’ll actually begin to feel more confident.
For starters, here are four super common phrases to avoid in order to both appear and feel more confident.
1. I can’t.
: [nothing]
Our day-to-day language is littered with ums, uhs, and likes. A lot of the time, we feel the need to fill in the uncomfortable silence between our sentences and clauses. Maybe it’s to prevent being interrupted. Maybe it’s insecurity. Whatever the reason, it comes off as being less intelligent and less thoughtful in our speech.
In the extreme, it can make you sound like this: “I-um-discovered that there was-like-this mistake in the manuscript-ah-edits.“ Would you trust that person? Or would you trust a person who slowly said, “I discovered that there was a mistake in the manuscript edits.“ Precisely.
Filling your sentences with ums and likes only serves to make you appear less confidence and competent. Instead, don’t be afraid to pause as you are formulating your sentences. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking the space you need to speak. Be sure of yourself, and people will listen.
There are loads of tips out there for how to sound, appear, and feel more attractive and confident. Start small, by cutting out the ums, can‘ts, and don‘t knows from your vocabulary. It’s a small shift but a powerful one.
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