How to Protect the Online Reputation of Your Business

They say “it’s nothing personal; it’s business” but when you own a company, it’s very personal. You put a lot of yourself into your business, and so when things go wrong it can greatly impact your emotional wellbeing. Plus, your reputation – whether personal or the reputation of your company – plays a huge part in your corporate wellness, as it’s likely that prospective clients will Google you before engaging with you. Your online reputation, then, can mean the difference between success and failure.


The internet is a great tool for your business, but the problem is that anyone and everyone can publish whatever they like online. You may think nothing of a random disgruntled post on an obscure blog, or one comment in hundreds on Facebook, but if it can be published online, it will also come up in online searches. And does it have to be accurate? Of course not – this is the internet we’re talking about! One bad review can be seen and believed by a large percentage of your prospective customers, which could be detrimental to your business.


Luckily, the internet may giveth as much as it taketh away, as there is an online solution for every online problem. In this case, you can fix and correct your online reputation with the help of a company called This is a business that has been built on helping individuals, small businesses and large companies to fight back against inaccurate internet smears, and protect themselves online. Using sophisticated technology, works to suppress negative materials on the internet, and instead promote positive ones. 99% of people don’t look past page one of an internet search, and so buries negative feedback in the depths of another, practically invisible, page.


Plus, promotes positive, authentic content that presents you and your business in the way you want to be presented, and increases the relevance and strength of your web content. also includes great monitoring and management reporting. This way, you can track actual results which give you ways to further enhance your online marketing. If you’re concerned about your budget, has a way to help any client. You will work directly with a reputation analyst who is highly skilled in understanding the online landscape, and he or she can assemble the most cost-effective programme for you.

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