100 Super Delicious Recipes to Celebrate Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month

Growing up in the seventies and eighties (before nut allergies had become a thing), kids were weaned on PB&J sandwiches made with thick slices of white bread. (I’m equal parts horrified and nostalgic right now.)

However you serve it, one thing’s for sure: peanut butter is delicious. According to a recent poll of humans living in my apartment, everybody loves peanut butter. The study group (two) may be small, but researchers (me) firmly believe their findings to be accurate.

The History of Peanuts and Peanut Butter

It seems only fitting to kick off a post dedicated to the world’s favorite spread with a little history lesson. According to the National Peanut Butter Board, the history of peanuts dates way back:

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Peanut-inspired pottery was discovered in South America as far back as 3,500 years ago. The Incas of Peru were entombing peanuts with their mummies as early as 1500 B.C. And thanks to Spanish and Portuguese explorers, peanuts arrived in Africa and Asia In the 1700s.

As for the spread itself, there’s strong evidence pointing to South American Inca Indians being the first to grind peanuts into butter. Some claim it was the brainchild of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (aka Mr. Cereal), while others say a St. Louis physician led the peanut butter charge.

Whoever is responsible, peanut butter lovers the world over are grateful in the extreme.

The Wonder Food that is Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month

There’s pretty much nothing you can’t you do with peanut butter. You can spread it on bread, scoop it onto sliced apple, bake cookies, add it to smoothies and smoothie bowls and make pancakes with it.

Alternatively, just eat it straight out the jar. Brené Brown does and look how successful she is. Her TED talk on vulnerability has had almost 37 million views. Coincidence? I think not. (Although it does make one wonder how much peanut butter Simon Sinek is consuming on a daily basis.)

There are some pretty surprising uses for peanut butter besides ingesting it, however. You can use it to get gum off the carpet, remove fishy smells in the fridge and—wait for it—you can even shave with it. (Personally, I think it’s a travesty to waste food, but whatever.)

Peanut butter also has many health benefits. It’s full of healthy fat, high in valuable nutrition and has been shown to reduce the risk of gallstones, type 2 diabetes, memory loss and Alzheimer’s.

Some people say almond butter is the better option. Both offer a host of health benefits and both are delicious. Personally, I think it’s best to cover your bases and eat a combination of the two.

When it Comes to Peanut Butter, Quality Matters

Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month

While all men are created equal, all peanut butter is not. If you have the time, equipment and inclination, first prize is to make your own. Failing that, you need to buy peanut butter that’s made with peanuts and nothing else.

Most mainstream brands will add all sorts of unnecessary ingredients. They do this to extend the shelf life, make the peanuts go further, prevent separation or enhance the color and flavor.

Nuts (and this obviously includes our hero legume) have a high fat content anyway, so you definitely don’t need to add more oil. As for flavors, you can jazz things up when you’re making your sandwich.

If you’re unsure about which brand to buy, Very Well Fit put together a list of the best natural peanut butters to buy in 2018. Some poor soul will have to update it next year. I wonder if they’re taking volunteers?

A Month (or More) of Peanut Butter Recipes

peanut butter lovers' month

Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month is a free pass to the land of peanut butter-inspired yumminess. We’re already a few days into November so just keep going until you’ve worked your way through all 100 recipes.

1. Vegan peanut butter pie from Salted Plains

2. Raw vegan PB&J brownies from The Happy Pear

3. Purple cabbage steaks with peanut butter sauce from The Thriving Vegan

4. Vegan salted peanut butter crunch torte from Oh She Glows

5. Banana, cherry and peanut butter smoothie from The Full Helping

6. Peanut butter roasted cauliflower and carrot salad bowl from Vegan Richa

7. Dark chocolate peanut butter ice cream from Keepin’ it Kind

8. Thai eggplants and chickpeas in peanut masala from Fat Free Vegan Kitchen

9. Peanut butter oatmeal cookies from Vegan Yack Attack

10. Peanut butter and jelly pancakes from Fork & Beans

11. Mouthwatering vegan peanut butter cookies from Delicious Everyday

12. Easy vegan peanut butter mug cake from Kitchen Treaty

13. Easy vegetable stir fry with creamy peanut sauce from Hurry the Food Up

14. Spicy peanut sauce from This Savory Vegan

15-46. 31 Delicious peanut butter recipes from Minimalist Baker

47-72. 25 Healthy easy peanut butter desserts from Beaming Baker

73-102. 29 Savory peanut butter recipes from Oh My Veggies

To peanut butter infinity, and beyond!

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